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Sauna Policy

Policy for using the saunas and steam cabin in the spa.

1. Compliance with the sauna policy forms an integral part of the general policy of the spa, it is obligatory for all employees, bathing guests, athletes and any person present in the spa area. Please note that the following sauna policy must be observed when using the saunas, the salt cabin and the steam cabin! In case of violation of the policy, the spa may refuse the service, and in case of any damage, it may claim compensation for the damage.

2. St. Elizabeth Mórahalom Spa has a total of 10 saunas, 1 salt cabin and 1 steam cabin.

- Finnish sauna (Main building, room 233 upstairs)

- Infrared sauna (Main building, room 233 upstairs)

- Aromatherapy sauna (Adjacent building)

- Light therapy sauna (on the built-in terrace of Thermal Pension)

- Steam cabin (Sauna World)

- Aroma sauna (Sauna World)

- Infrared sauna (Sauna World)

- Finnish sauna (Sauna World)

- Outdoor sauna (Children's Bath floor, Sauna Island department)

- Finnish sauna (Children's Bath floor, Sauna Island department)

- Bio sauna (Children's Bath floor, Sauna Island department)

3. The saunas can be used during the opening hours of the spa by purchasing a spa entry ticket. The ticket, which is valid only on the day of purchase, must be kept for possible inspection until leaving or presented at the request of the staff.

4. Our trained sauna masters hold sauna seances at pre-determined times on a weekly basis (Thursday-Sunday). Tickets for these seances can be purchased at the ticket office for HUF 600/person. During seances, only persons who purchased the relevant ticket may be present in the sauna concerned. The instructions of the sauna master must be fully followed by the guests.

5. The saunas, the steam cabin and the salt cabin located on the first floor of the main building, in the adjacent building, on the built-in terrace next to the Thermal Pension and in the Sauna World can be used by purchasing the spa ticket, we do not charge a separate fee for their use.

6. The saunas of Sauna Island located on the floor of the Children's Bath can be used by purchasing a separate ticket for HUF 2,200 and by paying a deposit of HUF 2,000 (which entitles the holder to receive a wristband granting access to Sauna Island). The HUF 2,200 Sauna Island ticket and wristband can be bought at the main ticket office, where the deposit should also be paid. After completion of the sauna use, the amount of the deposit, which is HUF 2,000, will be refunded in exchange of the wristband handed over at the main ticket office. If the wristband is missing, the main ticket office will pay the entire deposit into the spa's box office.

7. Taking into consideration the special etiquette and habits of Sauna Island guests, outrageous and sexually provocative behaviour is particularly and expressly forbidden! Decency requires that saunas ought to be used while wrapped in a sheet or sauna towel. It is forbidden to take photos or videos of others, including photos with a mobile phone! It is forbidden to store and use technical devices suitable for taking photos and videos (camera, video camera, mobile phone, iPod, tablet, laptop, etc.) in the Sauna Island section or at the reception.

8. Everyone can use the saunas and the steam cabin and salt cabin at their own risk!

9. Persons under the age of 18 and children under the age of 16 can only use the Sauna Island section under permanent parental supervision.

10. The use of saunas and the steam cabin is not recommended for children under age 14! Children under the age of 16 can only use the saunas and the steam cabin with and under the constant supervision and responsibility of a parent or adult.

11. In saunas and steam cabins, the recommended maximum length of uninterrupted stay for healthy people is 8-15 minutes. You can stay in the infrared saunas and the salt cabin for a maximum of 30-60 minutes. The salt cabin can also be used by children under the age of 16, but only under constant supervision.

12. The use of slippers or other footwear is prohibited in the saunas and the steam cabin! Please note that the floors in the saunas and steam room can be very wet, so be careful not to slip!

13. The use of swimwear is mandatory in the saunas and in the steam cabin, except in Sauna Island located on the floor of the Children's Bath, where the intimate parts of the body must be covered with a special sauna sheet. When sitting on the sauna bench, the use of a towel or sauna sheet is MANDATORY! Towels and sauna sheets must be placed so that the body surface does not come into contact with the bench! Please use the saunas, steam cabin and salt cabin with DRY BODY!

14. With the exception of the light therapy sauna located by Thermal Pension, guests are not allowed to pour any liquids, chemicals or even sauna oil onto the stove in any sauna, and it is even forbidden to sprinkle the sauna oil on themselves. In the light therapy sauna by Thermal Pension, it is allowed to drip sauna oil and aroma into the water of the sauna spoon in consultation with the other guests and subject to their permission, and to sprinkle the sauna stones with it. In case of sprinkling with a larger amount of water, please wait until the spoonful of water poured before evaporates from the stove!

15. The use of saunas and steam cabins is contra-indicated in case of heart-, circulatory- and respiratory insufficiency, cancer, incontinence, acute inflammatory disease, acute kidney disease, tuberculosis, thrombosis, severe varicose veins, infectious diseases, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy, arrhythmia, fevers, untreated high blood pressure and fatigue.

16. Saunas should not be used by fever-infected patients, those who have an open wound, or those who are drunk or under the influence of narcotic, intoxicating, psychotropic drugs.

17. It is prohibited to:

- take fragile objects (bottle, glass, etc.) or any other thing that could cause an accident or injury into the saunas and the steam cabin,

- disturb the peace of sauna users in any way,

- eat or drink in the saunas and in the steam cabin,

- use the sauna and the steam cabin in a drunk or intoxicated state,

- sprinkle any liquid, chemical or even sauna oil in the saunas, to sprinkle it on the sauna users themselves, to sprinkle it all over the sauna, or to pour it on the sauna stove,

- wear jewellery and glasses as it can cause burns,

- take photos or videos.

The sauna may not be used by a person who, with his or her offensive behaviour, commits or has committed a crime of public nuisance (Section 271 of the Criminal Code) or indecent exposure (Section 208 of the Criminal Code), or may be or has been a burden to others for various reasons. An act under this sub-paragraph also entails police proceedings.

18. Please pay attention not to disturb the sauna users with loudness, immoral behaviour or improper conduct!

19. Please notify the staff immediately of any extraordinary event (personal injury, presence of an unsafe device or object)!

20. Please note that for hospitality reasons, in the event of a technical failure or malfunction, the spa may suspend the operation of the saunas and the steam room, or parts of them. The spa is not liable for compensation in such cases.

Gábor Farkas sgn

spa manager

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